
leave your mark

project information

Like start-ups, creators have big ideas and ambitions but typically need access to opportunities to generate cultural impact at scale. For creative people of color, those opportunities are even more rare.

Crater is on a mission to bring more equitable access to the creator economy by enabling artists, gamers, designers, musicians, and entertainers to unlock their value by providing the space and tools for inspiration, collaboration, and funding.

The Crater name and design system is a tribute to creators' impact on culture. The irregular, multi-layer organic shapes combined with a stepped gradient create a sense of energy and movement. These ripples, paired with a vibrant, optimistic color palette, come together in a highly flexible and expressive system that reflects the passion and craft that make each creator a true original.


Art direction
Brand identity
Brand guidelines
Design system


Brand strategy:


Dear Future

Project management:

Dear Future

Creative direction:

Gabe Benzur

Web development:

Alex Peters


Area by Blaze Type

Crater_Logo in seven colorways
Crater_Typographic poster with three craters, text says "Leave your mark"
Crater_Typographic poster with a single crater, text says "Leave your mark"
Crater_Three Instagram posts showing creatorsCrater_Four postersCrater_Branded bomber jacket and a young woman sitting inside a basketball hoop with a crater graphic behind her

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made for living